Residential Treatment

Residential Treatment is available for men and women ages 18 and over who are legal residents in the Cayman Islands. Clients can expect a person-centered approach to care, which includes structure and support from a team of experienced professionals. The treatment programme at CHRC is based on Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), and includes group and individual skills training, individual therapy, coaching sessions, and intensive case management. DBT is an evidence-based treatment approach, in which the ultimate goal is to help individuals increase resilience and build a life experienced as worth living through helping them improve their abilities to live in the moment, tolerate distress, regulate emotions, and improve interpersonal relationships. While length of stay varies according to individual needs, clients are asked to commit to a period of intense treatment for at least three months in order to address their recovery goals. In order to successfully complete the programme, clients must complete the full 6 month DBT programme and then participate in re-entry, a gradual return to the community designed to help clients build up resources and support to have the best outcome possible. The CHRC residential treatment programme includes the following stages:

  • Pre-treatment: Clients spend approximately 5-7 days in our WIthdrawal Management Unit (WMU) to detox from all substances and complete clinical assessments with our Counsellors to determine a course of treatment. Please see our WMU page for more information about our non-medical detox programme.
  • Orientation: Clients spend approximately 2-4 weeks in this stage, at which time they will be assigned to a treatment team comprised of a Therapist, Counsellor, Counsellor II, and Residential Programme Technician. Their treatment team will work with them on a one to one basis to complete the Orientation module, help them to become familiar with the DBT programme, and develop an individualized treatment plan. Clients also begin attending group skills training during this stage of treatment, as well as case management, to ensure that all of their basic personal needs are met. 
  • Primary: This stage can range on average from 12 to 26 weeks in length, depending on the progress made by the client. It is in this stage that the client begins to focus on stability and gaining control over behaviours that can cause self-harm and/or interfere with therapy, work on fully experiencing emotions and facing emotions with acceptance, decrease emotional suffering and intense stress reactions, learn to problem solve, develop self-reliance, and build a healthy lifestyle. Clients also begin planning for aftercare as their treatment progresses.
  • Re-entry: In this stage the client starts to reintegrate back into the community. The length of this stage is entirely dependent on each individual's needs. Clients in re-entry look for employment, safe-housing, discharge planning, and begin participating in community-based care and support group meetings. In this stage clients focus on building a satisfying life, seeking deeper meaning through spiritual connection and connection with others, actualization of freedom, joy, peace, and fulfillment, and ongoing personal growth. Clients who secure full-time employment may have the option of residing at Serenity House. Please visit our Serenity House page for more information.
Residential Treatment