The Family Resource Centre is holding a three-day Domestic Violence Intervention Training Programme workshop on the Brac 28-30 August 2018.
Suitable for front-line professionals or those wanting to learn more about the dynamics of abusive relations and how to help, the certificate course will take place at Brac Reef Conference Roon from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The workshop covers domestic violence from a broad spectrum and aims to help participants understand the manifestations of and responses to such abuse, the Family Resource Centre said in a press release.
It will also look at related laws.
To add practical, real life expertise, the Centre says the course will involve presentations from agencies including the Family Support Unit; the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre; the Department of Children and Family Services; and the Director of Public Prosecutions, which will highlight the work they do with victims and perpetrators.